CSM For a Sustainable Planet

CSM's Sustainability

Committed to the Cause of Building a Better Future

With the vision of making CSM a sustainable business through disruptive solutions, we believe in the blend of environmental consciousness, inclusivity, diversity and sustainability for all our stakeholders. We are taking steps in building a better future together.

Business Responsibility & Sustainability Report 2022-23


CSM for a 'Sustainable Planet'

CSM has taken a leadership role in the Climate Change Now initiative of UNFCC and as a signatory of the Amazon Climate pledge, is committed to advocating and ensuring green technology for sustainability.

Following the three-step of Climate Change Now i.e –measure, reduce, contribute and report, it has planned to quantify emissions while spotting the main source, identify potential reduction by making the value chain sustainable and choose projects and solutions that ensure the use of clean technology and finally review, report and revise the results for a better outcome. CSM has set a target of achieving carbon neutrality by 2033. Besides ensuring sustainability, it will assist and encourage its stakeholders, partners and clients to be part of the revolutions by designing and using sustainable products and services.