CSM with UN Climate Change Now

CSM's Sustainability

Committed to the Cause of Building a Better Future

With the vision of making CSM a sustainable business through disruptive solutions, we believe in the blend of environmental consciousness, inclusivity, diversity and sustainability for all our stakeholders. We are taking steps in building a better future together.

Business Responsibility & Sustainability Report 2022-23


CSM with 'UN Climate Change Now'

We are at the crossroad, a pivotal moment in time where we can change the course of history. Climate change has posed lots of challenges before us, but these challenges can be converted into opportunities to create a better future. The Climate Neutral Now Initiative is one of several initiatives launched by the UNFCCC secretariat to increase climate action by engaging non-Party stakeholders (sub-national governments, companies, organizations, individuals). It brings together companies from around the globe in building a better world. All companies signing the pledge commit to net zero carbon emission by 2040, by agreeing to regular reporting, carbon elimination and credible offset. We can make the future of our choice by taking a leadership role in climate change.

Three steps to carbon neutral- Measure. Reduce. Offset.

To avoid the worst effects of climate change, science tells us that we must limit global temperature rise to less than 2 degrees Celsius. Taking these simple steps to measure your carbon footprint and go carbon neutral makes a big difference. 322 businesses have committed to The Climate Pledge for transforming the climate crisis into climate action, reaching the goals of the Paris Agreement 10 years early. CSM is one of it to have signed the pledge for net zero carbon emission with a mission to achieve carbon neutrality by 2033 and advocate the use of clean technology for sustainability.