From the early Egyptians to California Gold Rush, mining of various minerals has been one of the key human activities. For more than 40,000 years, humans have mined the earth for personal as well as commercial needs. Minerals constitute one of the most important sources of wealth in many countries. And while wars have been fought and regimes overturned, managing these resources has not been easy.

Mining is a capital-intensive industry. From exploration to permissions and allocations to the actual process of mining the minerals, the costs are high and so are the rewards. Most countries with high mineral wealth have a structured process of how a certain mineral is mined and who mines it. It is for the same reason that most of the largest mining operations are owned by multi-national corporations. And precisely for this reason, many countries in Asia and Africa have faced large challenges in not only managing their resources but also getting the best possible price for their natural wealth. Most mining operations are fraught with mismanagement, corruption and graft. In most of the resource rich countries of Africa as well as Asia, rampant corruption and crony capitalism have led to widespread looting of resources as well as unrepairable environmental degradation.

A report, titled Combatting corruption in mining approvals: assessing the risks in 18 resource-rich countries, and published by Berlin-based NGO Transparency International states that “Natural resources are too often vulnerable to corruption. We see this across the world as citizens are denied the wealth that is part of their natural heritage.”

The various modules manage the bidding process, the mines management & extraction process, provide monitoring and audit tool for the stakeholders and also has a compliance management tool for the watchdogs to ensure there are no leakages, environmental degradation and economic losses.

Ensuring safety, efficiency and compliance through real-time mapping in mining logistics

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One-Stop Solution with Less Human Intervention Mobile Application in Mining

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High performance systems that aids and augments sales in mining domain through automation of customer relationship management services.

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A system built for both the Mining Conglomerates & the Authorities that uses power of technology to make the management of the entire mining value chain transparent and tamper proof.

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Highly Integrable solution featuring a robust engine to handle, manage and collaborate mineral concession grant activities that are often spread across a number of authorities and stakeholders.

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Cutting edge Mine surveillance tool that harnesses the power of aerial survey to make monitoring & tracking of mines effortless.

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The unmanned system is significant in optimizing the production throughout, speed of mineral evacuation and minimize pilferages in the supply chain.

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A seamless solution to optimize throughput, ramp up productivity, cut turnaround time and curb theft.

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A portal that makes the management & monitoring of Foundation,Trusts and Funds easy for local agencies.

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Creating a sustainable mining value chain

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