Trupti - Quench Your Thirst: Summer Relief by CSM Social Stewards Club

Every year, as the summer heat intensifies, the CSM Social Stewards Club steps up with their beloved "Trupti - Quench Your Thirst" initiative. This longstanding tradition is dedicated to providing much-needed relief from the sweltering temperatures. Our club members distribute a variety of refreshing beverages, ensuring that everyone in our community stays hydrated and cool. From chilled drinks to revitalizing refreshments, "Trupti - Quench Your Thirst" has become a staple of our summer activities, bringing joy and comfort to all.

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The enduring success of "Trupti - Quench Your Thirst" underscores the unwavering commitment of the CSM Social Stewards Club to community service. Year after year, our members work tirelessly to organize and execute this event, showcasing the power of collective effort and goodwill. This initiative not only helps everyone beat the heat but also strengthens the bonds within our community. We are proud to continue this cherished tradition and look forward to many more years of spreading cool comfort and kindness during the hottest days of summer.

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