The Planet Purpose Awards recognized and celebrated companies that are leading the way in the respective categories that align with Planet’s core values. Justifying the theme of this year “From Transparency to Action”, Food Supplies & Consumer Welfare Department, Odisha & Odisha Space Application Centre (ORSAC) (with Technology Partner: SPARC Private Limited (India) and CSM Tech) won the award in the category of ‘Drive for Results’.
Using the satellite-based crop analytics solution developed by implementation partner CSM Tech and the SPARC, the government was able to have end-to-end visibility into farms and farmers. This enabled the procurement of Paddy worth INR 14,000 Crores (about 1.7 BIllion USD) from more than 1.5 million farmers across the state covering about 50,000 villages under the MSP (Minimum Support Price) scheme.
ORSAC was able to check the validity of reported paddy crops at the farmland level in these villages by harnessing data at the hyper-local level through satellite analytics. The successful implementation over a large area was possible due to the availability of near real-time satellite images from Planet which resulted in the validation of paddy grown in farmlands of Odisha. This encouraged more small and medium farmers to avail benefits of the scheme, improving their participation from 67% to 73%.
Food Supplies & Consumer Welfare Department, Odisha & Odisha Space Application Centre (ORSAC) ( with Technology Partner: SPARC Private Limited (India) and CSM Tech) shared the platform with other global winners like NASA Harvest, Polícia Federal do Brasil and SCCON, Radio Free Europe and Norway’s International Climate & Forests Initiative (NICFI) and Kongsberg Satellite Services (KSAT).
When transparency and accountability become crucial to safeguard planet Earth and the global challenges, it becomes imperative to move from words to action now!
That’s how Planet’s data and platform enable an ecosystem of customers, partners, and the scientific community to shed light on events and behaviours where accountability takes the center stage for sustainability. And pioneers who carve the trail are recognized for their endeavour for being the early movers.